Our Story

How it all began..

Absurdists at heart, Stranger Wine Company was born out of a desire for Husband and Wife team, Maxx and Sidney, to find meaning in an otherwise meaningless world. Between Maxx’s deep love for wine, and Sidney’s love for agriculture it became obvious to them that pursuing a life surrounding these passions was their version of creating a meaningful life for themselves. The dream to grow and make their own wines took them in many directions, but eventually led to the inception of Stranger Wine Company in 2021.

To this day their love for philosophy, agriculture, and wine are the driving forces behind Stranger Wine Company. Their passion for regenerative agriculture and fine terroir driven wines are apparent in each bottle of wine they craft. Their hope is that the wines they produce can help facilitate thoughtful discussion around agriculture and winemaking as the American wine landscape continues to evolve. They also take delight in knowing that once they are out in the world, their wines can be a part of life’s moments, big and small, that make life so meaningful to you all.

Husband Wife Owned & Operated

Stranger Wine Company is a story of college sweethearts who became partners not only in life, but in agriculture and business. Maxx and Sidney work together as a team to do everything from growing grapes and making wine, to marketing, sales, and everything in between. The company is truly a collaboration between the two in just about every way. You will often find Maxx and Sidney working side by side in either the vineyard or the winery with their curious daughter and dog exploring near by.

This project is an ongoing expression of their love for each other and the meaningful little life they are building together. Each bottle of wine is a love letter to one another, to their family, to the land, and to you. The company is an ode to those who are in pursuit a life full of meaning in the face of such an otherwise absurd world.

Meet Our Team


Maxxs love for wine started young. His father, who was in the hospitality industry, exposed him early on to some of the most classic wine examples in the world, which ignited something in him.

After receiving his bachelors degree in Mathematics, Maxx was considering the pursuit of higher level academia. But before diving deeper into the academic world, Maxx decided to take a wine making internship in Walla Walla Washington out of curiosity. Only a couple of weeks in, he called Sidney proclaiming that he loved working with wine and knew definitively that making wine was what he wanted to do with his life. Maxx would go on to work in multiple sectors of the wine industry including production, sales, and viticulture. When Maxx proposed marriage to Sidney in 2018 and she countered with her own proposal that they leave everything behind in pursuit of this life together there was no turning back. They were on the fast track to starting Stranger Wine Company.

These days, Maxx can almost always be found out in the vineyards, or in the cellar (…that is unless its a perfect day for golf). He is truly the brain behind all of the wine at Stranger Wine Company. And to top it all off, Maxx is now also a Master of Wine Candidate and is constantly in pursuit of knowledge as he dives deeper into his craft.


Growing up in Chicago, Sidney was around her family businesses constantly. Her parents infectious entrepreneurial spirit rubbed off on her, and as time went on she felt called to start business of her own where she would have the freedom to be creative and express herself through her work.

After obtaining her bachelors degrees in Biology and Environmental Science, Sidney found herself working on a small family owned organic farm just outside of Chicago where she fell deeply in love with agriculture. The experience of working so intimately with the land, and learning from mentors who utilized sustainble regenerative practices quickly led Sidney to the realization that she was meant for a future in the agricultural sector. Once she had been bit by the bug there was no going back, and so after getting engaged in 2018 she proposed leaving everything in Chicago behind to pursue viticulture and enology hand in hand with Maxx. After working out in the vineyards and in the cellar for her harvest in the Willamette Valley she knew that this was the life for her too. It wasn’t long after these experiences that the idea of Stranger Wine Company was born.

These days Sidney can often be found out in the vineyard alongside Maxx, but she also manages a lot of the creative and β€œbehind the scenes” business elements of stranger Wine Company all while taking care of their beautiful daughter.

Experience Our Wines

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